This chapter considers two cases: the ideal case of identical cells and the practical case of non-identical cells. Association of solar cells will be considered as well as association of modules. The methods used for the association of solar cells can be extended to the association of large arrays. Indeed, scattering of the electrical characteristics of solar cells around an average value always occurs. This is due to the imperfect repeatability of the technical processes of solar cell fabrication and/or abnormal conditions of utilization of the solar cells; parasitic occultation or partial or complete shadowing can create electrical imbalances. Important problems occur when solar cells, photovoltaic (pv) modules or arrays are connected in a network, mainly owing to the associated electric and thermal imbalances generated by mismatch of characteristics of individual units. High-peak-power system necessitates the inclusion of protective devices into the network to cover the higher risk of thermal and electrical hazards.