Understanding and quantifying the values placed on plants by consumers of horticultural products and services and the impact these plants have on human behavior and well-being can have significant results. Interdisciplinary research is imperative for conducting research on human issues in horticulture. The People-Plant Council (PPC) was formed on May 24, 1990, as a direct result of the national interdisciplinary symposium, "The Role of Horticulture in Human Well-being and Social Development." The People-Plant Council (PPC) was formed on May 24, 1990, as a direct result of the national interdisciplinary symposium, "The Role of Horticulture in Human Well-being and Social Development." Participation by the horticulture community is essential for the growth of horticulture into new and nontraditional areas. Researchers, educators, and others use the services of the People-Plant Council, including a bi-annual newsletter, periodic update reports, access to computerized information, and conference/educational program registration with a cost-of-service fee.