The effect of large Reynolds number due to relative motion was accounted for in the time constants for momentum and heat transfer to particles. A case of one-dimensional unsteady motion is the interaction of gravitational and electric fields in the settling of charged aerosols. Studies of one-dimensional steady flow of a gas-solid suspension through a duct of variable area were motivated by the applications to metallized propellant rocketry. Some understanding of the basic nature of the multiphase flow system may be achieved by considering adiabatic flow. In the case of frictionless adiabatic nozzle handling a pure gas, it is well known that the critical flow is at sonic velocity. The use of metallized propellant increases the energy per unit mass of a rocket but loses propulsion efficiency by the nature of gas-solid nozzle flow. Static pressure measurements along the nozzle serve as a sensitive indicator of heat release by condensation and density of the gas can be measured by interferometry.