Sustained effort on this thesaurus began in February of 1985. The textbooks forming the core set of sources (Table 1) are relatively recent, reflecting the focus on current usage of terms. Although most of the core texts do not predate 1978, a few somewhat older texts are also included, primarily if no comparable newer text has been found (e.g., Correlative Anatomy of the Nervous System by Crosby, Humphrey, and Lauer, 1962). Terms and their meanings are ever changing in neuroscience, as elsewhere. I particularly wanted the thesaurus to capture the variability present at a point in time (represented by the 10-year period of 1978–1987) rather than to document the variability resulting from change through time. Consequently, I did not use as core texts (or editions) any that appeared after 1987. 1 Recent textbooks used as primary sources




New (First-edition)


New (First-edition)


Afifi* & Bergman (2nd ed.—1986, 601 p.)[A&B]

Crosby, Humphrey, & Lauer (1962, 731 p.)[CH&L]

Chusid(19th ed.—1985, 187 p. § )[Chus]

Garoutte (1981, 217 p.) [Gar]

Barr* & Kiernan* (4th ed.—1983, 412 p.)[B&K]

Daube, Sandok, Reagan, & Westmoreland (1978, 454 p.)[DSR&W]

Gilman & Newman (7th ed. — 1987, 256 p.)[G&N]

Goldberg (1979, 89 p.) [Gold]

Brodal* (3rd ed.—1981, 1053 p.) [Brod]

FitzGerald* (1985, 293 p.) [FitzG]

Matzke & Foltz (4th ed.—1983, 170 p.)[M&F]

Wilkinson* (1986, 248 p.) [Wilk]

Carpenter & Sutin (8th ed. —1983, 872 p.)[C&S]

Heimer* (1983, 402 p.) [Heim]

Mitchell* & Mayor* (4th ed. —1983, 143 p.)[M&M]

Kandel & Schwartz (2nd ed. — 1985, 979 p.)[K&S]

Martinez Martinez* (1982, 302 p.)[MarMar]

Noback & Demarest (3rd ed. —1981, 591 p.)[N&D]

Nauta* & Feirtag (1986, 340 p.)[N&F]

Williams* & Warwick* (36th ed—1980, 440 p. § ) [W&W]

Nolte (1981, 322 p.)[Nolt]

Willis* & Grossman (3rd ed, — 1981, 593 p.) [W&G]

Romero-Sierra* (1986, 449 p.[Rom-S| Snell* (1980, 559 p.)[Snel]

Neurologic examination

Bickerstaff* (4th ed.—1980, 360 p.) [Bick]

Chusid(19thed.—1985, 134 p. § )[Chus]

Barrows (1980, 160p.)[Barr]

Delong (4th ed.—1979, 840 p.) [DeJ]

Ross* (2nd ed —1985, 274 p.)[Ross]

Massey, Pleet, & Scherok-man (1985, 144 p.)[MP&S]

Thornas* & Dal* (5th ed. —1981, 384 p.)[T&D]

Van Allen & Rodnilzky (2nd ed.—1981, 227 p.) [VanA &R]

Simpson & Magee (1973, 171 p.) [S&M]


Adams* & Victor* (3rd ed. —1985, 1186 p.)[A&V]

Margulies*(1986, 576 p.) [Marg]

Chusid(19thed—1985, 151 p. § )[Chus]

Bannister* (6th ed.—1985, 563 p.)[Bann]

Gilroy* & Meyer* (3rd ed. —1979, 787 p.)|G&M)

Rowland (7th ed.—1984, 774 p.)[Rowl]

Walton* (4th ed.—1975, 477 p.)[Walt]

Texts are listed by author(s) or chief editor(s). For titles, see References. For each book, the abbreviation to be used in the body of the thesaurus, formed from the initial letters of the authors’/editors’ names, appears in brackets. If not indicated otherwise (*), an author/editor received his/her primary formal post-baccalaureate training (e.g., M.A., M.S., Ph.D., D.Sc., M.D., internship, residency) in the USA. The countries of such training for each author/editor are indicated in Table 2. Although each text is treated as an independent source, multiple idiosyncrasies of term usage limited to the same two books suggest that a few authors repeatedly adopted the usage found in one other specific text. Snell’s usage thus follows that of Williams and Warwick, Chusid’s follows that of DeJong, and Lockard’s follows that of Crosby, Humphrey, and Lauer. Although Lockard’s Desk Reference for Neuroanatomy is not a textbook (and, hence, not a primary source), it was consulted frequently.

Although the text by Williams and Warwick contains 1578 pages, only p. 156–180 and p. 802–1216 are primarily on the nervous system. Although the text by Chusid contains 513 pages, only p. 1–187 are on basic neuroanatomy, only p. 188–321 and p. 473–484 are on the neurologic examination, and only p. 322–472 are on clinical neurology.

Countries of training for authors/chief editors of recent texts used as primary sources

Persons trained in USA only

Persons not trained in USA only

Barrows (Marquis Who’s Who, 1985, Vol. 2, p. 2959)

Adams—Belgium (M.D.), Great Britain (D. Sc.), Switzerland (M.D.), USA (A.M.) (Rhodes, 1979, Vol. 1, p. 22

Bergman (Cargill, 1982, Vol. 1, p. 438)

Afifi—Lebanon (M.D., internship, residency), USA (postdoctoral training in neuroanatomy, M.S., residency, fellowship in electron microscopy) (personal communication, 1989)

Carpenter (op. cit., Vol. 2, p. 66)

Chusid (op. cit., Vol. 2, p. 219)

Crosby (Hancock, 1971–1973, Vol. 1, p. 1242)

Bannister—Great Britain (all) (Churchill Livingstone, 1972, Part 1, p. 113)

Barr—Canada (all) (Cargill, 1982, Vol. 1, p. 303)

Daube (Marquis Who’s Who, 1985, Vol. 2, p. 3022)

Bickerstaff—Great Britain (all) (Churchill Livingtone, 1972, Part 1, p. 194)

Brodal—Norway (all) (Strute & Doelken, 1981, Vol. 1, p. 177)

DeJong (Cargill, 1982, Vol. 2, p. 572)

Dale—Canada (M.D., internship), USA (M. Sc., residency) (Marquis Who’s Who, 1985, Vol. 2, p. 3022)

Foltz (op. cit., Vol. 2, p. 1072)

Garoutte (op. cit., Vol. 3, p. 43)

FitzGerald—Ireland (all) (American Medical Association, 1967, Part 3, p. 3267; Zircon Publishing Limited, Dublin, 1973, p. 114)

Gilman (Hollister, 1989, Vol. 3, p, 138)

Goldberg (Cargill, 1982, Vol. 3, p. 185)

Gilroy—Great Britain (all) (Cargill, 1982, Vol. 3, p. 135)

Grossman (op. cit., Vol. 3, p 339)

Heimer—Sweden (M.D.), USA (postdoctoral training under Dr. W. J. H. Nauta [see below]) (American Medical Association, 1982, Part 4, p. 4099, personal communication, 1989)

Humphrey (Hancock, 1965–1967, Vol. 3 [unnumberedl, p. 2462)

Kandel (Cargill, 1982, Vol. 4, p. 183)

Kieman—Great Britain (all) (Cargill, 1982, Vol, 4, p. 307)

Lauer (Rhodes, 1979, Vol. 4, p. 2870)

Margulies—Canada (internship, residency), USA (M.D., residency), (Marquis Who’s Who, 1987, Vol. 2, p. 3187)

Magee (Marquis Who’s Who, 1987, Vol. 2, p. 3358)

Massey (op. cit., Vol. 2, p. 3462)

Martinez Martinez—Netherlands (Ph.D.), Spain (M.D., internship, residency), (personal communication, 1989)

Matzke (Rhodes, 1979, Vol. 5, p. 3250)

Mayor—Great Britain (all) (Churchill Livingstone, 1972, Part 2, p. 1734)

Newman (Hollister, 1989, Vol. 5, p 676)

Meyer—Canada (M.D.), USA (internship, residencies) (Cargill, 1982, Vol. 5, p. 342)

Noback (op. cit., Vol. 5, p. 705)

Nolte (personal communication, 1989)

Mitchell—Great Britain (all) (Longman Croup Limited, 1971, p. 595)

Pleet (Marquis Who’s Who, 1987, Vol. 2, p. 3328)

Nauta—Netherlands (all) (Rhodes, 1979, Vol. 5, p. 3625)

Romero-Sierra—Spain (all) (Newcombe, 1975, Section 1, p. 406)

Reagan (op. cit., Vol. 2, p. 3530)

Rodnitzky (Marquis Who’s Who, 1985, Vol. 2, p. 2964)

Ross—Canada (M.D., residency). Great Britain (residency) (op. cit.. Section 1, p. 408; personal communication, 1989)

Snell—Great Britain (all) (Cargill, 1982, Vol. 6, p. 846)

Rowland (Cargill, 1982, Vol. 6, p. 320)

Thornas—Germany (M.D., internship, residency), Switzerland (residency), USA (residency) (Marquis Who’s Who, 1985, Vol. 2, p. 3023)

Sandok (Marquis Who’s Who, 1985, Vol. 2, p. 3023)

Scherokman (American Board of Medical Specialties, 1988, Vol. 3, p. 230)

Victor—Canada (M.D., internship), USA (residency) (op. cit., Vol. 2, p 3115)

Schwartz (Cargill, 1982, Vol. 6, p. 548)

Walton—Great Britain (all) (Simon Books, 1980, p. 509)

Simpson (Marquis Who’s Who, 1970, p. 1489)

Sutin (Cargill, 1982, Vol. 6, p. 1104)

Warwick—Great Britain (all) (op. cit., p. 511–512)

Wilkinson—Great Britain (all) (Longman Group UK Limited, 1988, Part 2, p. 3388)

Van Allen (op. cit., Vol. 7, p. 264)

Williams—Great Britain (all) (Churchill Livingstone, 1972, Part 2, p. 2742)

Westmoreland (Marquis Who’s Who, 1987, Vol. 2, p. 3371)

Willis—Australia (Ph.D.), USA (M.D.) (Cargill, 1982, Vol. 7, p. 645)

Only primary formal post-baccalaureate training—e.g., M.S., Ph.D., D.Sc., Ch.B., M.D., internship, residency—is considered. Sources of information are in parentheses. Demarest and Feirtag are excluded from the table. Though listed as co-authors, the former is a director of medical illustration and the latter is on the Board of Editors of Scientific American. I assume that neither was responsible for the scientific terms used in their respective texts. Although most chapters in the books edited by Kandel and Schwartz and by Rowland are authored by others, only the training of the editors is considered in this table. For more information on recent texts used as primary sources, see Table 1.