In the bicentennial issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association many fascinating historical articles were published including one about an American physician in 1776. Within this text it was stated:

The following order for medical supplies for his family and slaves at Mount Vernon was placed by George Washington with his London factor in 1767

2 best Lancets in one case

6 Common Do. [lancets] each in sepe. [separate case?]

25 lb. Antimony [used as an emetic]

10 lb. flour of Sulphur [an aperient]

2 Oz. Honey Water. [pectoral]

3 Quarts Spirits of Turpentine. [stimulant]

2 lb. best Jesuit’s Bark, powdered. [quinine, used as a tonic and antiseptic]

3 Oz. Rhubarb Do. [powdered] and put into a bottle. [cathartic]

1 pint Spirit of Hartshorn [ammonia, a stimulant]

6 Do. Do. Nitre [diuretic and febrifuge]

1 lb. Blistering Plaister [made from Cantharides]

4 Oz. Tincture of Castor. [purgative]

8 Do. Balsam Capivi [copaiba, a corroborant, stimulant and diaphoretic]

1–4 lb. Termerick [Turmeric, a condiment used in curry; substitute for saffron]