Chain conveyors are a family of conveyors that use an endless chain not only to transmit power, but also to carry or propel material forward. Among the chain-type conveyors are apron; drag; plain chain; scraper; flight; and en-masse. Chain conveyors are used to carry medium-sized capacities of material up to the 300-ft (90-m) range. They are most commonly used in distances under 100 ft (30 m). The key to the successful application of a chain conveyor is using well-designed equipment from reputable manufacturers. Chain conveyors are often used to convey materials with adverse properties. Chain conveyors are capable of carrying a wide range of materials. Most types can easily handle large lumps, granular, and fine materials. Fine particles do not pose a problem with chain conveyors that utilize a permanent trough structure such as a scraper or flight conveyor. Conveying large lumps is possible when using some types of chain conveyors.