Manufacturing in many economically developed countries is faced with several issues constituting a considerable dilemma. Manufacturing excellence is proposed as a keyword expressing the enhancement of the conditions of goods production for pursuing human happiness, whilst eliminating the 'hollowing' of production, '3K', and environmental problems. Cultural orientation of production was pointed out prior to manufacturing excellence. The term manufacturing culture implies a combination of intellectual, conceptual, philosophical activities and ideas with human relationships, motivations and involvements. Culture usually holds a positive meaning, although it may be used negatively, e.g. monoculture, mass culture, throw-away culture, etc. In this respect 'manufacturing culture' might be misunderstood as throw-away culture through mass production/ mass consumption and even mass disposal. Socially appropriate manufacturing the world over or satisfaction-conscious production by each individual manufacturing firm is not easy; it will be attained by recognition of 'manufacturing ethics'. Production based upon the spirit of satisfaction-consciousness is satisfaction conscious production.