Zoysiagrass does have great potential for general turfgrass areas, as well as for golf course fairways in the cooler portion of the warm climatic zone and in the bermudagrass-Kentucky bluegrass transition zone. While zoysiagrass has great potential for the warm climatic zone, it is not well adapted to cool temperatures. St. Augustinegrass is susceptible to brown patch, especially in the shade, gray leaf spot, downy mildew, dollar spot, and St. Augustine decline virus. Bermudagrass is one of the most important warm-season turfgrasses. It has a wide range of uses, from golf course greens, tees, and fairways to home lawns, athletic fields, institutional grounds, cemeteries, roadsides, and general park areas. Bermudagrass has more diseases listed for it than do the other warm-season grasses. This is due in part to the fact that it has been studied more, and also because it has been used on golf courses more than any other warm-season species.