Anthracnose has been described as a minor disease of annual bluegrass and several other turfgrasses in England. Brown patch is the most widespread of all the turfgrass diseases. It occurs in all areas where turf is grown, and it attacks all known turfgrasses. Most golf course superintendents consider Pythium blight the most important turfgrass disease, yet they spend more money trying to manage dollar spot. Pythium blight can be devastating. When the temperature and humidity are high, it can destroy large areas of turf overnight. Turfgrasses growing in poorly drained or compacted soil have short root systems and, in warm weather, require a great deal of water to prevent wilting. Gloeocercospora sorghi survives periods away from the host as sclerotia in the mat and thatch. Infection can take place rapidly and considerable turf may be lost with heavy infections.