Seven principal turfgrasses are grown in the cool season turfgrass growing area: creeping bentgrasses, colonial bentgrasses, Kentucky bluegrasses, annual bluegrasses, fine-leaf fescues, tall fescues, and perennial ryegrasses. The three turfgrasses for which the problem is most evident are Kentucky bluegrasses, fine-leaf fescues, and perennial ryegrasses. The creeping bentgrasses are some of the most disease susceptible turfgrasses. Penncross and Penneagle are suitable as fairway grasses. One must bear in mind that an intensive fungicide program will be required for disease prevention. The colonial bentgrasses are susceptible to a wide range of diseases, from dollar spot to the snow molds. Because of their susceptibility to diseases and lack of a vigorous creeping habit, they are not desirable as turfs for putting greens. The ryegrasses are susceptible to brown blight, crown rust, Microdochium patch, brown patch, red thread, stripe smut, Typhula blight, and Pythium blight, although variation in susceptibility exists among cultivars.