The description of the processes of mass transfer in porous bodies containing capillary condensate and wetting films is based on hydrodynamic equations that include physical characteristics of liquids such as viscosity, density and surface tension. The problem of the combined transfer processes involving both the vapor and the liquid films applied to evaporation from single narrow capillaries, was investigated in the works. The effect of film flow on the rate of water evaporation from the capillaries into moist air is supported by direct measurements. To perform these measurements, in a thermostatted chamber, where the quartz capillaries were placed over the saturated solutions of salts, has been used. The influence of non-uniformity of pore space can be accounted for with the help of a simple model consisting of communicating capillaries with different radii. Such a two-capillary model was introduced in. It allows a further increase in the number of capillaries of different radii.