On the basis of geomorphologic analyses of the main morphostructural and morphodynamic lineaments of the central-southern Marchean high-hill reliefs, we have defined the role played by gravity in the evolution of the area. The reliefs cut into the transgressive Pliocene lithic units that overlie the less resistant Messinian pelitic-arenaceous turbidites. In the modeling processes of the landscape, the prevalent action is that of complex and deep-seated mass movements, whose factors of predisposition and control can be found in the recent tectonic uplifting of the area and in the litho-structural setting of the bedrock, characterized by different physical and mechanical properties. Moreover, a particular role is played by the pre- transgressive erosion surfaces and by the associated underlying alteration level, in that they are the site of the main thrust planes and/or zones. The numerical modeling carried out on three basic sections (related to Mt. Falcone) confirmed the geomorphologic surveys and the interpretations of their evolution that is related to deep and complex mass movements.