The paper reviews the geotechnical conditions, kinematics and mechanism of different types of mass movements predominantly of Switzerland, Austria and Northern Italy. Hazard and risk assessment and land-use planning, modelling of unstable slopes and landslide activity in relation to climate oscillations are examined more closely. In this context specific geotechnical aspects for sagging of mountain slopes (“Talzuschübe”), rock falls (“Felsstürze”), earthflows (“Schuttströme”) and soil slips (“Lockergesteinsrutschungen”) are treated. The scientific problem of hazard and risk assessment and land-use planning is not only generally discussed but also with regard to legislative developments in Alpine countries. Different ways of modelling of unstable slopes with conventional and numerical methods and solutions for rock fall areas are presented. Finally the paper results in the investigations of the chronology of land slides during the Holocene in Switzerland and Northern Italy.