The origin of a landslide-dammed lake near Potvorov Village in Western Bohemia is analysed. In May 1872 extreme precipitation occured here and triggered a large rock slide, which destroyed a railway line under construction and dammed the Mladotice Creek Valley. The movements can be classified as translational block-type sliding. The area belongs to the Permian-Carboniferous Basin represented here by sandstones, conglomerates and claystones. The slide developed in sandstone beds along the contact with underlying claystones. The bedding is parallel with the inclination of the slope. According to eyewitnesses the rate of the movement was close to 2m/hour. Movements are calmed down at present, with some loosening of separated blocks from the landslide scarpe, and occasional rock fall from the scarp. In the vicinity of this landslide area of the year 1872 other slope deformations, mostly older ones, can be found.