This chapter provides readers an insight into the biological, technological, and economic factors that influence aquaculture production. It addresses the following questions: what is aquaculture? and what are the prerequisites for and limitations of using an aquatic environment to cultivate aquatic biota? Aquaculture seems to be the only way to increase supplies to meet increased demands. In tropical and subtropical developing countries, aquaculture is more subsistence- than commercial-oriented because of the pressing need for animal protein in local diets. Aquaculture is a very diversified business; its scope extends far beyond the production of fish and shellfish for the market. Fortunately, aquaculture in warm climates usually has an excellent potential for high production of fish and shellfish provided that a satisfactory water supply is available. Usually people who become involved in aquaculture are very enthusiastic at the start, but it is best to combine this spirit with a realistic background of knowledge based on experience.