This chapter presents an analysis method for the hygrothermal behavior of composite laminates. The anisotropy of unidirectional composites also manifests itself in the hygrothermal behavior. Deformation is also possible upon change of temperature and upon absorption of moisture. The matrix material is much more susceptible to hygrothermal deformation than the fiber. The hygrothermal deformation of a unidirectional composite is therefore much higher in the transverse direction than in the longitudinal direction. Deformation is also possible upon change of temperature and upon absorption of moisture. The matrix material is much more susceptible to hygrothermal deformation than the fiber. The hygrothermal deformation of a unidirectional composite is therefore much higher in the transverse direction than in the longitudinal direction. Unsymmetric cross-ply laminates are frequently used to show the effect of hygrothermal strains. The anisotropy of unidirectional composites also manifests itself in the hygrothermal behavior. Because of the directional dependence of hygrothermal expansion, residual stresses are induced in composite laminates.