Offers a treatment of different kinds of James-Stein and ridge regression estimators from a frequentist and Bayesian point of view. The book explains and compares estimators analytically as well as numerically and includes Mathematica and Maple programs used in numerical comparison.;College or university bookshops may order five or more copies at a special student rate, available on request.

part 1|166 pages

Introduction to Shrinkage Estimators

chapter 1|69 pages


chapter 2|40 pages

The Stein Paradox

chapter 3|56 pages

The Ridge Estimators of Hoerl and Kennard

part 2|204 pages

Estimation for a Single Linear Model

part 3|220 pages

Other Linear Mode1 Setups

chapter 7|70 pages

The Simultaneous Estimation Problem

chapter 8|50 pages

The Precision of Individual Estimators

chapter 9|39 pages

The Multivariate Linear Model

chapter 10|48 pages

Other Linear Model Setups

chapter 11|12 pages

Summary and Conclusion