Hen eggs provide the most complete, therefore, the highest quality proteins with all necessary vitamins and minerals. Man's utilization of egg proteins is likewise excellent, as indicated by the high biological value of eggs. Investigations of egg yolk proteins have identified the presence of phosvitin, livetin, lipovitellin, lipovitellenin, and some minor components. Lipoproteins are separated into high density lipoproteins, low density lipoproteins, and very low density lipoprotein by whether they float or settle in a solvent of chosen density. Lipovitellins and phosvitin are the proteolytic cleavage products of the precursor, vitellogenin, which is synthesized in the liver under the regulation of estrogenic hormones. Egg yolk is recognized as an excellent emulsifying agent, and it is used extensively in food preparations; example, mayonnaise and salad dressings. The quality of protein is generally determined by comparing the essential amino acids. Egg yolk proteins-80 contains all nine essential amino acids.