The first data on carrier mobilities were published in 1924 followed by additional work, quite a bit later in 1951. Values for charge carrier mobility in strong electric fields were first obtained in 1966-1967. The fact that the electric field breakdown values obtained in static electric fields are lower by an order of magnitude as compared to laser radiation can have several reasons. Hall mobility of holes was determined on rare semiconducting natural diamonds with a hole conductivity. Undoped diamond films have characteristics similar to those of semi-insulating materials with a high concentration of electrical defects. Film properties improve with an increase in grain size, growth temperature, purity and structural perfection. The piezoresistive effect has been evaluated in boron-doped polycrystalline diamond films. Piezoresistive properties of polycrystalline films are determined not only by the crystalline substance itself, but also by the transport properties of the grain boundaries.