The handling of glycerol industrially is dependent upon the optimum temperature at which it is thermally stable, and the specific conditions of thermal exposure, such as the neutrality, alkalinity, or acidity of the medium. The complete biodegradability of glycerol in nature and its overall safety as a foodstuff testify to the innocuous nature of this material in the environment. The recognized hydroscopic nature of glycerol, especially in its higher concentrations, requires that during tank storage the entrance of moist air be denied in the normal "breathing" of tanks used for storage. Glycerol is a raw material for mono-, di-, and triglyceride production as well as a host of ester derivatives used in the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. The use of stainless steels of at least 304-grade, preferably 316-grade, is recommended for tanks, lines, and equipment for glycerol refineries and for all operations.