This volume presents a set of models for the exceptional Lie algebras over algebraically closed fieldsof characteristic O and over the field of real numbers. The models given are based on the algebras ofCayley numbers (octonions) and on exceptional Jordan algebras. They are also valid forcharacteristics p * 2. The book also provides an introduction to the problem of forms of exceptionalsimple Lie algebras, especially the exceptional D4 's, � 6 's, and � 7 's. These are studied by means ofconcrete realizations of the automorphism groups.Exceptional Lie Algebras is a useful tool for the mathematical public in general-especially thoseinterested in the classification of Lie algebras or groups-and for theoretical physicists.

chapter |1 pages


chapter 2|9 pages

Cayley algebras.

chapter 3|9 pages

Exceptional Jordan algebras.

chapter 4|5 pages

Automorphisms of .

chapter 5|4 pages

Exceptional Lie algebras of type D4.

chapter 6|3 pages

Roots of and .

chapter 7|20 pages

Lie algebras of type E6.

chapter 8|11 pages

Some applications of Galois cohomology.

chapter 9|21 pages

Lie algebras of type E7.

chapter 10|15 pages

Tits’ second construction.

chapter 11|14 pages

Calculation of the Killing forms.

chapter 12|4 pages

Models of the real forms.