like so many bridges they are / bending over me marking some geography perpetual beginnings endings / piercing needle stitches into river sand / hands holding nothing I must somehow flow past / curving my back to the impossible anchors of her sharp edges pulling at the shores I left long, long ago / where romances lie rootless in abandoned flood waters my way is liquid motion no seeds no roots / no memory union is natures last aborted mission all river want is bring back her flesh / in exile earth / body / river sister union is nature’s last aborted mission all those pretty women river deep / woman struggle too long she fear she drown the current drags bottom to top she wants to walk on water I want to pray / she wants me bless her sorrow for another so she cry at the river lonely / her heart is naked as the seasons change again river belly cut wide open / desire for oceans for oceans of love with no home woman bleed in the river angry / river deep and lonely bridges bend while river eyes turn now your wound is my wound seagulls circle / ready to feed should I fall into the sea it is me who must leave her Dios Solar / suck the tears away water rising to destroy its own path all those pretty women drowning at the gates love looking for home I will leave miles of river / in the floods nature’s last aborted mission seeds, roots, memory. —1993