Originally published in 1979, this book represents an effort to bring together the two disciplines at the core of psycholinguistics, psychology and linguistics. It discusses a broad variety of theoretical approaches to psycholinguistics as well as covering a wide range of topics.

At the time the book had four goals: to discuss many of the important contemporary issues in psycholinguistics; to explore the different views on major theoretical controversies; to provide an analysis of background literature as a framework in which to evaluate the issues and controversies; and to describe interesting high-quality research currently being done by the authors and some of their colleagues.

Today it can be read and enjoyed in its historical context, with many of the chapters still relevant in psycholinguistic research today.

part I|61 pages

Past and Present Issues in Psycholinguistics

part II|68 pages

Research Orientations

part III|56 pages


chapter 6|26 pages

Phonology as Human Behavior1

part IV|75 pages

Language and Cognition

part V|92 pages

Language Development

part VI|77 pages

Paralinguistic Aspects of Communication

part VII|88 pages

Applications of Psycholinguistics