Meno. And how will you enquire, Socrates, into that which you do not know? What will you put forth as the subject of enquiry? And if you find what you want, how will you ever know that this is the thing that you did not know? Socrates. I know, Meno, what you mean; but just see what a tiresome dispute you are introducing. You argue that a person cannot enquire either about that which he knows, or about that which he does not know; for if he knows, he has no need to enquire; and if not, he cannot; for he does not know the very subject about which he is to enquire. Meno. Well, Socrates, and is not the argument sound? Socrates. I think not. Meno. Why not? Socrates. I will tell you why: I have heard from certain wise men and women who spoke of things divine that – Meno. What did they say? Socrates. They spoke of a glorious truth, as I conceive.