First Published in 1975. Two policy proposals are particularly notable and owe nothing to the long-standing controversies between left and right. Rather, they suggest new perceptions of reality and a changing sense of values. They are thoroughly radical and indeed subversive since they attack two fundamental features of modern society: its tendency to exponential growth and its assumption of continuous progress. The two proposals are zero economic growth and zero population growth... Quite apart from the question of the desirability of a no-growth society, or even the possibility that it may even be a necessity, what properties should it have? How would its social, political and economic systems function? What would people be like in such a society? What sort of culture or ·consciousness· would be appro­priate in it? ...A careful examination of the no-growth proposals helps to reveal a number of the most fundamental failings and fears of modern life.

chapter 1|13 pages


chapter 2|16 pages

Zero Population Growth

The Goal and the Means

chapter 3|13 pages

Population and the American Predicament

The Case Against Complacency

chapter 4|18 pages

Two Cheers for ZPG

chapter 5|25 pages

Ills, Bads, and Disamenities

The Wages of Growth

chapter 7|16 pages

The Risks of Growth

chapter 8|19 pages

On Reforming Economic Growth

chapter 9|14 pages

The Technology of Zero Growth

chapter 11|25 pages

Should the Poor Buy no Growth?

chapter 12|16 pages

Urban Zero Population Growth

chapter 13|21 pages

Growth vs. No Growth

An Evaluation

chapter |13 pages
