I’ve paid for the drinks and the hotel I’ve paid for them, I’ve paid for it I’ve paid the bill, I’ve paid Mimi, I’ve paid her

To pay for sb.; to pay sb.’s …

Pago sempre per lui Gli pago sempre l’affitto Le pago spesso la cena

I always pay for him I always pay his rent I often pay for her dinner

bastare to be enough to bisognare to be necessary to convenire to be a good idea to/best (to) dispiacere to be sorry to/mind …ing interessare to be interested to/in …ing piacere to like to/…ing spettare to be one’s duty/up to s.b to

essere difficile to be difficult to essere facile to be easy to essere giusto to be fair to essere importante to be important to essere meglio to be better/best to essere necessario to be necessary to essere utile to be useful to

Examples: Bisogna uscire You have to go out Non m’interessa vederlo I’m not interested in seeing him Gli spetta farlo It’s up to him to do it Non è facile capire It’s not easy to understand Note: In some cases there is no preposition in English either: Mi conviene partire I had better leave

dovere to have to potere to be able to

sapere to know volere to want to

amare to like, to love to/…ing desiderare to wish, to want to detestare to detest, hate to/…ing

preferire to prefer to odiare to hate to/…ing osare to dare (to)

Examples: Devo studiare I have to study Preferisci pagare adesso? Do you prefer to pay now? Note: in some cases there is no preposition in English either: Ti dispiace chiamare più tardi? Do you mind calling later? Detesto aspettare I hate waiting (to wait)

assistere a to attend sth. assomigliare a to look like sb. aver diritto a to be entitled to disubbidire a to disobey sb.