Of all the perceptanalytic components, the human-movement response is easily the most important. It constitutes Rorschach’s most original contribution to the experimental study of personality, and it expresses the most developed aspects of personality from the standpoint of both the human race and the individual. No other component received so much attention from Rorschach and so much space in his Psycho-diagnostics as did the human-movement response. The capital letter M symbolizes it. Rorschach regretted that he had no theoretical foundation for his perceptanalysis and an all-embracing theory still is lacking. However, Rorschach gave a good beginning for the theory of the M; this he had not done for the other components. Experience has shown that this unusual care which the M received from Rorschach was justified by the significance which human-movement responses have for the understanding of the subject’s motivation and his unconsciously as well as consciously determined, preferred modes of handling interpersonal relationships. The M reflects what is most humane and human. It is thus a particularly valuable part of perceptanalysis. Rorschach expected much of the M component. I have rewritten the definition, the meaning, and the implications of the M so as to enable psychologists to draw more far-reaching and more valid conclusions than were possible without these changes.