This chapter may seem very uncool and unnecessary and makes life easier for the laid back, but it has lifesaving tips when you are stressed from juggling jobs, home and work. University life is different from school and employment. There is lots of free time for street luge, acting, being elected union secretary, playing the lute and socializing, but many students find meeting coursework deadlines difficult. Timemanagement techniques are especially vital for those with a heavy sport or social programme, a part-time job in term-time, and for part-time and mature students’ with jobs running in parallel with their degree. Developing your timemanagement skills should allow you to do all the boring tasks efficiently, like laundry and essays, leaving free time for other activities. It is unlikely that any one idea will change your life overnight, but a few time-saving short cuts can relieve pressure. Try something. Use reflection and evaluation skills to identify what to do next and to assign time to your studies.