The skills of project management are needed. Your life is your big project, as is an essay, module, fi eld project and mapping exercise. Ideally one envisages the research/thinking/reading for an essay, project or dissertation moving linearly from inception to fi nal report or presentation (Figure 4:1A). Regretfully the process is rarely this simple. The normal elements of life intervene, and the way you understand a topic changes as the research progresses. This makes the linear model (Figure 4:1A) totally unrealistic. The reality (Figure 4:1B) requires plenty of time for the research/thinking/reading process to evolve. Halfway through your research you may have to go back almost to the start, reconsider your approach and start a revised programme. Increasing your ability to manage your self and time, recognizing and adjusting to changing goalposts, are vital skills improved at university. Use Try This 4.1.