A sense of spiritual homelessness is a central mark of our time. The spiritually homeless are those whose quest for meaning and wholeness has carried them away from their church home. Protestantism’s association with the rise of science, education, and democracy gradually came to represent the commitments to a new religious spirit. Spiritual homelessness appears to spark an equally fervent search for alternative religious experience along with its quest for wellness. Spiritual homelessness is more than a product of the decline in mainline church life. Its ranks swell daily under the growing impact of multicultural discontent. Spiritual homelessness, however, must be seen within the context of a much larger disestablishment of the White American, male-dominant culture of the 1950s. It is fueled by the multicultural crusade fermenting on American campuses, which demands a greater diversity in faculty and student bodies and “political correctness” that does away with statements offensive to women, Blacks, and other groups.