Unique Psychopathology (as a SpecifiC Psychiatric Condition) Finally, culture may contribute to the development of a unique psychopathology that is observed only in a certain cultural environ-

ment. This is referred to as a culture-related specific psychiatric disorder or a culture-bound syndrome (CBS). The occurrence of intense anxiety associated with the fear that the penis will shrink into the abdomen. resulting in death. is a unique psychopathology observed mainly in the South Asia region and is known as koro (impotence panic). It may occur as an epidemic (Tseng et al., 1988). involving several thousand victims within a short period of time. It is closely related to the local people's belief that the shrinking of the penis is a sign of the fatal exhausting of the yang element (Mo et al., 1995). Koro, as well as other kinds of unique psychopathology. such as malgri (territorial anxiety syndrome) (Cawte, 1976). or amok (nondiscriminatory massive homocide) (Westermeyer. 1973) are classic examples of specific culture-related disorders observed only among certain peoples in their cultural settings.