I In a letter to his brother Theo, Vincent writes:

Did I tell you about the storm I watched recently? The sea was yellowish, especially near the shore; on the horizon, a strip of light, and above it immense dark gray clouds from which the rain poured down in slanting streaks. … I also saw the sea last Sunday night. Everything was dark and gray, but in the horizon the day began to dawn … A lark was already singing. So were the nightingales in the gardens near the sea. In the distance shone the light from the lighthouse … From the window of my room that same night I looked on the roofs of the houses … and on the tops of the elm trees, dark against the night sky. Over those roofs one single star, but a beautiful large friendly one. And I thought of you all and of my own past years and of our home [Letter 67, Vol. I, pp. 57, 58].