Spanish pronunciation is indicated by a simplifi ed version of the International Phonetic Alphabet. The unfamiliar signs are:

Symbol Phonetic description Remarks

 voiced bilabial fricative Air released steadily through lips held as for English b  voiceless velar fricative Like ch of German lachen or of Scottish ‘loch’  voiced velar fricative Air released steadily through throat held as for English g of ‘ago’  voiceless interdental fricative Like th of ‘think’  voiced interdental fricative Like th of ‘this’  voiced palatal lateral Palatalized l, as in Spanish llamo  voiced palatal nasal like gn in French cognac. Tongue fl at against roof of mouth.  voiced velar nasal Like ng in ‘sing’ (not as in ‘fi nger’)  voiced alveolar trill Rolled r, as in perro j voiced palatal approximant Like y in ‘yes’

 voiceless palatal stop Like ch in ‘chat’ The sign shows that the following syllable is stressed. A dash separates syllables; see 39.5.