Nouns are words that we use to label living beings, things, feelings, ideas or actions:

Charles, enfant, chien, livre, poubelle, amour, économie, construction

All nouns in French, without exception, are either masculine or feminine in gender:

lion (m), lionne (f), bâtiment (m), maison (f)

In some cases nouns may be of either gender:

un / une élève, un / une enfant, un / une artiste

Nouns are either singular or plural; the plural is usually indicated by a change in the ending of the word:

lion (sing.)  lions (pl.) lionne (sing.)  lionnes (pl.)

Nouns decide the gender and number of any determiners that precede them, such as mon, les, la:

Mon frère aîné a peint les murs de la cuisine.