By wide acclaim love is the noblest, most powerful, beautiful, exquisite, and meaningful experience of humanity. Love insulates the child, brings joy to youth, and comfort and sustenance to the aged. In 1956 psychoanalyst Erich Fromm published a phenomenally successful little book called The Art of Loving. Passionate love and compassionate love are two parts of a coherent whole, each feeding on the nourishment of the other. Swiss philosopher Denis de Rougemont is among those who view romantic love as a social construct invented in the Middle Ages. Perhaps the idea that love is a cultural invention began with the profusion of field studies conducted by anthropologists in faraway exotic societies. Humankind has always known that love was good for it. All great philosophers and religious leaders have preached the same message of love. Hummingbirds are always depicted in their symbol as a mated pair as a symbol of love, devotion, permanence, eternity and life cycles.