Juvenile court personnel are committed to several different and

conflicting orientations toward delinquency and its control, ori-

entations summarized in the "social-agency" and "legal" images

of the juvenile court (Dunham, 1958). T h e legal image high-

lights the juvenile court's restraining, controlling, and punishing

functions, functions that demand some guarantee of due process

safeguards. T h e social-agency image orients activities toward pro-

viding "help" and "treatment" to delinquent and other disad-

vantaged youths. I n this light, "the purposes of the juvenile court

are to understand the child, to diagnose his difficulty, to treat his

condition, and to fit h im back into the community" (Dunham,

1958, p. 513). T h i s chapter outlines the juvenile court's commit-

ment to these dual orientations as background for the analysis of

court efforts to implement its treatment goals. and the conse-

quences of these efforts in the following chapters.