In contrast to Dewey’s thoughts on education and pedagogy—which have never gone out of fashion and have, in fact, had considerable influence on how modern society arranged its educational systems—and also in contrast to his philosophical thinking that, as discussed above, has been reactualized in recent years, Dewey’s writings on psychology have been largely forgotten. 1 This is a pity, for much of his work on psychology is extraordinarily rich and nuanced. In 1899, Dewey acted as president of the American Psychological Association, and he authored the first American psychology textbook as early as 1887 (Dewey 1887b). That said, it is telling that the influential psychologists and behaviorist John B. Watson (1878–1958), who studied under Dewey in Chicago, admitted that he never really understood him (Glassman 2004). This kind of statement perhaps explains why Dewey’s psychology has been forgotten.