For Sir Francis Bacon, the child was hostage to Fortune; today the child is far more often hostage to ideology, and to the fears it can induce: "I think about the bomb just about every day now. It makes me feel sad and depressed when I think about a bomb being dropped. I hope I'm with my family. I don't want to die alone." Or a hostage to ideology, and to the sanctimoniousness it can also induce:

I assume you are all sensible people, since it requires great intelligence to be elected to a highly important part of our nation. Other nations have their intelligent people. I'm sure Yuri Andropov is intelligent. Ronald Reagan, our President, is intelligent.

But why, instead of using our intelligence for good uses, like peace, for example, do we use our intelligence for war? Is it right to call having missiles in Europe peace? Is it right to call a nuclear missile "peace keeper"?

This is a waste of intelligence. We are criminalizing Newton, Dalton, Einstein, Lucretius, and Democritus, great pioneers of the atom. What would Einstein have thought of this?