The chapter presents the phases of change with reference to the change model and the professional development supports provided. Change model adapted from the work of Guskey and Loucks-Horsley et al. guided the change process which occurred in distinct phases. In relation to vocabulary development, it was agreed to emphasize vocabulary during guided reading of fiction and nonfiction by encouraging children to become word detectives, noticing new vocabulary in their reading material, developing strategies for clarifying the words, and promoting their inclusion in writing and oral discussion of texts. A continuous cycle of analysis, supporting, planning, and evaluating actions ensured teachers adopted an inquiry-as-stance evaluating the impact of changes on childrens skill development and their motivation and engagement. From assessment data the small-group instruction was having a positive effect on childrens acquisition of a range of literacy skills including sight vocabulary, phonics, vocabulary for reading and writing, fluency and comprehension, and provided further reason for teachers to continue the collaboration.