(1) Regressive viciousness is simply an inconsistency among commitments generally by running afoul of certain “facts of life.” Temporal limits are often in play here. (2) Performative regression is vicious, seeing that there can only ever be finitely many explicit task-performances. (3) Sortal regression will be vicious when concrete rather than abstract sorts are at issue. (4) There can only ever be finitely many preconditions for doing something. (5) Resource exhaustion is a specially salient case of precondition finitude, since only finite resources are ever available. (6) No viable task can have endless presupposition: any workable process must have a start (“Catch 22”). (7) Nor can the initiation of something presuppose its own accomplishment. (8) An epistemic regress of probabilities also encounters insuperable obstacles. (9) Viciousness also inheres in the inappropriate supposition that an endless process can specify a completed object. (10) Overall, then, regresses can become vicious in a considerable variety of ways.