The hypnotic experience itself is an interactive one, in which the stage is set for the hypnotist to capitalize on the readiness that the developmental experiences have produced. The Laboratory of Hypnosis Research of the Department of Psychology at Stanford has been engaged for over a decade in the study of individual differences in hypnotizabihty. Another illustration of high concentration without the kind of involvement associated with hypnosis was provided by the subjects interested in the natural sciences and engineering. The humanities majors were nearly two-to-one in the more hypnotizable group, the social science majors were evenly divided, and the natural science majors were three-to-one in the less hypnotizable group. The Laboratory of Hypnosis Research of the Department of Psychology at Stanford has been engaged in the study of individual differences in hypnotizabihty. The research group has continued as the Unit for Experimental Psychiatry with studies concerning the nature of hypnosis remaining one of its principal interests.