The simulating group is subjected to a treatment procedure different from hypnosis, but in many ways equally potent; namely, the instruction to simulate. The purpose of developing the simulator design was to help differentiate artifactual components or epiphenomena from those aspects of hypnosis that are truly intrinsic. The simulating comparison group serves a restricted purpose in hypnosis research. The presence of hypnosis can be identified by the way in which S responds to suggestions. Heuristically, hypnosis is considered to be that state or condition in which suggestions from the hypnotist will elicit hypnotic phenomena. The simulator comparison group is not useful to evaluate those responses which could be a function of cues in the situation rather than hypnosis if there is any possibility that some members of this comparison group have the ability to enter hypnosis. The simulating group is subjected to a treatment procedure different from hypnosis, but in many ways equally potent; namely, the instruction to simulate.