Like the term "Pygmy" itself, the concept of "Pygmy music" proves rather elusive to define. Still, despite the abundance of musical diversity found among Pygmy cultures, there does seem to be a particular style common to all. Music plays an outstanding role in the symbolic and religious systems of all Pygmy societies. Thus, the contexts for music making underline important spiritual and economic activities. The Mbuti hunting repertoires distinguish the elephant hunt as the most important of all hunts. As Demolin specifies, elephant hunt songs are performed before and after the hunting expedition. All researchers recognize the Mbuti's close relationship with the villagers and their participation in the villagers' musical and ritual activities. This is reflected in particular by their shared initiation repertoires. Female initiation is determined by a girl's first menstruation, male initiation takes place after puberty, when the young man is able to hunt enough game to feed a family.