Over the half-century of his professional life, Martin Heidegger liked to insist that his thought was focused on one topic only and that this topic was utterly simple. But defining and articulating that simple topic, die Sache selbst, has proven to be no easy matter for either Heidegger or his commentators. The event of intelligibility in its specifically kinetic structure is the topic of Heidegger's thought. Now that Husserl had broken the stranglehold of the apophantic assertion in ontology, now that he has rescued beingness from the copula and had rendered it present for itself as an immediately intuitable phenomenon, Heidegger could ask how it is given. Husserl's aim in the Investigation is phenomenological clarification of truth or true knowledge by means of a phenomenological analysis of the identity-synthesis, specifically by analyzing how categorial as well as sensuous meaning-intuitions are fulfilled. Husserl demonstrates how the propositional categorial form of a statement can attain to intuitive fulfillment.