In Being and Time the difference between light and clearing, manifestly in play metaphorically, is precarious because of the attachment of the issue of clearing to “the ontically figurative talk about the lumen naturale in man”. Dasein’s thrownness is a thrownness into the “there,” into the clearing which it has to be, into disclosedness. Accordingly, disposition is such that in it “Dasein is brought before its Being as ‘there’”—that is, Dasein’s thrownness into disclosedness is disclosed—that is, disposition is that mode of disclosedness in which is disclosed Dasein’s character as disclosedness. The analysis of understanding, by grounding the determination of “meaning,” inscribes the question of the meaning of Being within the sphere of the clearing, gathers the issue of Being and time into the aletheie eukukles. The grounding of sight in understanding gathers the entire analysis of Being-in-the-world into the issue of clearing.