McGeorge Bundy was always considered by the Ivy League-Council on Foreign Relations crowd to have had the Right Stuff, and in 1966, after his high-altitude adventures in Washington in foreign and military affairs, they brought him down to a very soft landing in the Ford Foundation. The United States, like most of the other industrialized democracies, is confronted with growing demands for social services despite continuing financial stringency. The project will ultimately produce recommendations for alternative more efficient, more equitable, and more acceptable ways of providing such services under these circumstances. John D. Rockefeller on the basis of its record of sustained major achievements through most of its seventy-year history has been without question the preeminent large American foundation. From the beginning it was the embodiment of the modern, "scientific" approach to philanthropy: attacking root causes rather than alleviating symptoms of human problems, advancing basic knowledge, training leaders, and creating needed new scientific and educational institutions.