THERE is no antithesis between science and art. Ever y true work of scienc e is a work of art, an d th e man who is not an artis t is a poor man of science. Productio n of a work of science requires th e same qualifications as production of a work of art; both require a certain receptivity of mind, imagination, and power to give shape to one' s material. Fo r this reason every independent investigato r must creat e hi s own method, jus t a s ever y creativ e artis t mus t create hi s ow n technique . H e wh o employ s another' s method , just lik e th e perso n wh o employs another's technique, ma y pos - sibly be a great disciple , but never more than a disciple, who continues the work of the master but does not undertake ne w work. I t i s possible therefore t o teach one's own or another's method or technique, but not to teach scientific method or artistic technique. For th e mind which thinks and works independently wil l eve r b e seeking ne w method s an d ne w technique s whic h correspon d t o his individuality .