J I • • • Jung's contrast of the introverted and extraverted character may w e l l be his most familiar and most wide ly cited contribution to the discovery of the mind . I t is presented i n Psychological Types (1921), one of the three works that take up one entire volume (6) o f The Collected Works. The book has eleven chapters, and the first nine deal w i t h the historical background of Jung's typology. Chapter I deals w i t h classical and medieval thought, I I w i t h Fr iedr ich Schiller, I I I w i t h Nietzsche's contrast of the Apollonian and Dionysian i n The Birth of Tragedy; each of the fol lowing four chapters deals at length w i t h a relatively minor writer, V I I I w i t h Wi l l i am James, and I X w i t h Wi lhe lm Ostwald.