The oldest artifacts in Britain are Clactonian 8scratched by late Mindelian solifluxion and occurring derived (Fig. 21 left) in the Swanscombe gravels. The origin of the Clactonian is obscure. Possibly the first palaeolithic tradition to reach Western Europe led to the fabrication of 'pebble-tools' and accompanying flakes out of the local flint-nodules. Such an industry may well have comprised Clactonian chopping-and flaketools. Unless the finds in Vallonnet cave prove to represent an outpost, Mrican pebble-tool culture (Oldowan) has not been recorded in Europe but has been recognized in the Near East (Stekelis et al., 1960). The Buda flake-and-pebble-tool industry in Hungary is remarkably similar to the Oldowan, but affinities to the Asiatic chopper-tool complex seem more probable (Kretzoi & V ertes, I 965). See Fig 20.