264In light of the limitations of the major meta-theories used to place ethnographic stories within “wider wholes,” I follow the lead of critical cultural anthropologist George Marcus in “reimaging the whole” of ethnographic grounded urban studies in terms of an ethnography of places and their interconnections (intersocietal consciousness) rather than a place-focused ethnography of single locales (intrasocietal consciousness). The methodological moves required to shift to this frame of consciousness requires the practice of multi-locale ethnography, a mapping of networks of complex interconnections and their simultaneous and reciprocal effects, and the framing of innovative ways to contextualize the interconnections studied in terms of the “wider wholes” in which the connections and their effects are taking place. I frame the concept of “translocality” quite differently from theorizations of “translocality” found in the works of anthropologists Arjun Appadurai and Ulf Hannerz.